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Bellevue Collection Independent Runway Show in September 23rd 2015

A few months ago, in a moment of insane courage, I applied for The Bellevue Collection Independent Runway Show to showcase my fall collection. The very first interview with the panel was so intense that I thought I could pass out at any moment. I stepped inside the room and my breath was taken away because there were so many people (at least 8 people) in the room waiting to interview me. I will never forget that moment, I had to put on microphone and camera was pointing at me, and I knew this is very serious and I needed to stay calm if I was going to make it through this ALIVE. The interview went well, and I went home knowing that I would...

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Behind The Scenes Of Our Photoshoot With Seattle Photographer IJPhoto.net.

This happened a few day ago when I was fortunate to collaborate with talented Seattle based photographer Irene Jones-owner of IJPhoto.net, and her amazing team. We had talked and planned for this shoot for a while and I was super excited that it happened. Here are some behind the scenes photos of our beautiful models that we love to share with you. Stay stunned for more photos to come!!  Models from left to right Alina Lutek, Nana Kim, Larissa Long, Juliet Dang, Rachel Van Rijn Flowers Rachel Collman Hair & Makeup A Prima Salon  oh sexy back, and here more..   Bridal gowns: Dream Dresses by P.M.N Email: dreamdressesbypmn@gmail.com Web: http://www.dreamdressesbypmn.com/         

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